Wednesday, March 24, 2010

This past weekend was the Virginia Festival of the Book in Charlottesville, VA. That is one really fun book festival and one really cute town.

I was on an author panel, chatting about setting. Yes, it's true; I'll talk about anything! Above is our fantastic panel: (back) Keri Mikulski, (who brought delish salt water taffy to share), me; (front) PJ Hoover (who is always uberfun and smiley), Stacy Nyikos (I just noticed she has an adorable new website) and Suzanne Morgan Williams, (who phoned me this morning at home BY MISTAKE!!).

I like this photo of Suzanne Morgan Williams' arm, me and Keri Mikulski. This is the first time I met Keri IRL. She couldn't be nicer.

I also met James of Book Chic. He has an interview with moi. What can I say about James? Entertaining. Friendly. A book lover.

Here are myself and PJ Hoover with Susan of Wastepaper Prose. Susan's pretty wild and crazy and delightful. And she often has book giveaways on her blog. PJ said I squealed when I learned Susan's identity. Not true. I'm too cool to squeal.

Following our author panel and other panels and an author reception where I chatted nonstop (who, moi?) with all sorts of people, I went out to "dinner". Yes, I placed quotation marks around dinner. Keep reading, and you'll see why.

Here are a few of my "dinner" companions: Suzanne Morgan Williams, Stacy Nyikos and Irene Latham. I am SO glad Irene was there. She has an adorable Alabama accent which is easy on the ears. Even more important, SHE EATS LIKE A BIRD. You will see why the latter is important a little further down.

Here are some more "dinner" companions: Bonnie Doerr, PJ Hoover, and Fran Cannon Slayton

This is my "dinner"!! It's tuna tartar. Well, what there is of it is tuna tartar!! Do you see the quarter? That's to give you some perspective. Three potato chips and a bite and a half of tuna. And it cost $13.

A major apology to Suzanne Morgan Williams and Bonnie Doerr who copied me by ordering this excuse for a meal. A huge thank-you to Irene Latham who SHARED her steak and asparagus with me.

All joking aside, it was a great weekend and a great book festival! And I have done a marvelous job with linking in this post, if I do say so myself.

Oh, and just in case you were wondering, I sent i so don't do famous in to Editor Wendy!!! (Child #4 is thrilled!)


  1. Marvelous photos, it sure looks like everyone had a blast. Conrats on sending in i so don't do famous.

  2. YAY! Great recap and thanks for the compliments. It was great to meet you too finally.

    And I was witness to the squeal as well- don't try to deny it! LOL.

    I'm so sorry about your poor excuse for a dinner. This is why I never go to fancy places. Where did you end up going anyway?

  3. Awe.. It was great meeting you too, Barrie!! :) :) :)

    So glad you enjoyed the salt water taffy. :)

    Hope to do it again soon.


  4. I loved seeing you (as always) Barrie! You make my day!

  5. Congratulations, Barrie! I looks like a great book festival, and you really rock and getting the books into your editor.

    I would sue for false advertising on that tuna dish. Everyone knows that tunas are huge fish. They seem to have confused it with a minnow.

  6. Congratulations on finishing FAMOUS! Perfect timing. I recognize the first photo from Keri’s blog. You answered my question to her about meeting for the first time. How fun for you both to be there with Stacy from our book review club too. What a silly dinner!

  7. "Dinners" like that are SO pretentious! But it looks like your company was the polar opposite and I'm so glad you had a grand time!

  8. $13 for that????!

    Wow. I DO like potato chips and fish, though.

    You and PJ are so cute! I'd love to meet both of you someday. Maybe you can come to Utah sometime. ;)

  9. I didn't recognize Keri in the picture but what a cutie! Sounds like you had a great time!

  10. $13?? Wow, I'm stunned. What a great time you had. And congrats on sending in your book! Woot!

  11. That looks like a great time! And it takes me back to a few hundred dollar dinners in Manhattan. I am still hungry.

  12. Barrie, you are welcome to my steak and asparagus ANYTIME. Great to meet you after I've been peeking in at your blog all these years... and best of luck on I So Don't Do Famous! Exciting!!

  13. I'm so happy for you! It must have been a great feeling to get the manuscript done (and dusted?).

    It's funny to see pictures of so many women that I "know" through their blogs.

  14. Sounds like fun! Your posts always are...

    Loved the interview, too.

    Congrats on the new book! Can't wait to read it.

  15. Omigosh, a 4th adventure for Sherry: how exciting, Barrie! I want to read I SO DON'T DO MAKEUP sooo badly....(:

  16. Looks like fun - even the joke of a meal - and I
    recognized some of the faces - Stacy, PJ, (from TLA /08) and Suzanne (from a Wpg. dinner -back when?)
    Yes, congrats on a yet another book done!! You are famous.

  17. Wish I could have been at that event. What a lot of fabulous people you met!

    And that dinner--wow. What a rip! But hey, at least you had great company :)


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