Friday, May 28, 2010

Car Accident

Without going into gory details, I was involved in a car accident a few weeks ago. No one was seriously hurt, although our van is a dead duck. As for me, my chest and back were very sore, and I was moving as slowly as a centenarian. Albeit a cute centurian with highlights. That said, I'm back to my normal spry, cheerful self.

However, the car accident made me Stop And Evaluate Life. I'm always on the lookout for Life Lessons (just ask my children), and I came away from this experience with a few. Here they are, in order of least to most important.

1. People with really bad eyesight (like myself) should always own a decent pair of back-up glasses.

Apparently, my purse was unzipped, and, at the moment of impact, my glasses flew out and buried themselves on the floor of the van amongst all kinds of debris such as a large diet coke with extra ice, two tacos, a notebook with book ideas, kleenex, a deck of cards about space trivia and a million pens. I didn't notice, which meant I spent the evening in the ER wearing large, blingy perscription sunglasses. To the nurse who asked me my profession, I was kidding when I answered, "Jazz Musician."

2. I am a horrible patient.

Quite possibly, Mr. Summy could have attested to this several times over during our twenty-three years of marriage. He has, however, wisely kept quiet on this front. Even that night in the ER, when I kept repeating, "I can't believe what a horrible patient I am. I'm hating every single second of being here. Who knew I'd be so grumpy and furious?" he merely blinked and smiled and kept his counsel.

3. I hate hospitals.

The whole time I was there, I just wanted to walk out. I did not like answering personal questions. I especially did not like answering personal questions in a crowded hallway. I did not like waiting three hours for an x-ray. I lay, staring at the ceiling, and seethed. And seethed. And seethed. Until I ran out of seething energy and decided that I needed a concrete plan for avoiding hospital stays. So, it's back to the gym on a VERY regular basis. And back to more healthy eating. And back to a simpler lifestyle where I'm not racing around like a chicken with her hairlighted head chopped off and where I learn to say "N.O. spells NO." I have much control over the first two issues, but less over the third. Still, I'm determined to slow down.

And look at this! I've already got two new pair of glasses!

And a new car! This salesguy, Michael Hooper at Ball Kia in National City, is so the best! For those who are interested, it's a Kia Sorento.

Drive safely.


  1. dang, barrie! at least you're ok, and maintaining your canuck stiff upper ;)

  2. I have a moment such as yours. About 3 weeks past my sister and I t-boned a jeep from her little ford car. It was the lady's fault in the jeep and she was charged with her license taken, however it made me realize how quick it can all be over.
    My sister is quite happy with her SUV, and I'm happy no one was badly hurt.

    Life goes on. Even if we all do not.

  3. Good for you: there are always lessons. Feel assured. You are not the worst patient in the world!

  4. pleased your on the mend - good point about the glasses too :-)


  5. Glad you're okay and making the best of things. Keep safe and enjoy life.

  6. Glad you're feeling better and in a new car with new glasses. Sorry you had to be aggravated by being in the hospital.

  7. Teresa, I'm sorry to report that I probably aggravated them back!

  8. Fredmans: that's the scariest part, isn't it? Realizing that life turns on a dime!

  9. laughingwolf: Well, I SORT OF maintained a Canuck stiff upper lip BECAUSE some people MIGHT report that I did some whining. Not true! :)

  10. Is the sales guy single? Also glad you are ok.

  11. So glad you're feeling better. Funny post, even if it arose out of something not so funny. Isn't that life, though...

  12. Eeeks. I'm so sorry. Car accidents are horrifying and hospitals suck--agreed. I'm just glad you're all okay.

  13. It’s always good to come away from an experience with a “life lesson” but that was one scary way of doing it. Glad you’re okay.
    Nice glasses - both pairs!

  14. I'm sorry that had to happen, but glad to hear that you are on the mend. Soft tissue damage can take a while to heal, so go easy on yourself.

    It is sad, but true, time like that do make us reevaluate our lives and help set our priorities straight. Taking care of yourself and slowing down is a great place to start. I hate hospitals too, hat waiting, know that seething feeling, so I'm so glad your home, where you belong and have your new glasses and car.


  15. Whoooooaaaaaaaa. I'm so glad you're okay!

  16. Glad you're ok, and I'm glad you got new glasses AND a new car, I'm just not glad that they were necessary. Feel better!

  17. Glad you are OK, and re-glassesed and re-autoed

  18. So glad you're okay.

    I lost my niece to a drunk driver over 6 years ago and it still makes me re-evaluate my life and my priorities.

    Have had those wonderful soft tissue injuries myself. No fun, but they do heal and walking fully upright becomes a possibility again.

    I'm a crappy patient. Hate being in pain. Hate being powerless. Hate waiting.

  19. Oh my gosh, Barrie!! I am glad everyone is okay. So scary!! But I do have to admit that I'm still chuckling over your "jazz musician" quip. How could the nurse not laugh? (okay maybe he/she was making sure your vital signs were still vital, so I'm going to give nurse a break here!)

    Joy Preble

  20. If you were as grumpy as you say you were, then the nurses probably thought you weren't hurt that badly. The triage nurse decides how bad you are and that translates into how long you wait in the ER. Your vitals must have been okay.

    Glad to hear you're okay with new vehicle, new glasses and a new lease on life.

  21. I'm glad you are okay, but geez! Give me a heart attack. Car accidents--not cool. My mom was hit by a drunk driver and had to have 18 stitches to her head. Also not cool.

    At least you got a new car. And glasses! Definitely shnazzy.

  22. Oh no! I'm glad everyone's okay. Try not to be in another accident (how's that for useless gratuitous advice?).

    I'm totally with you on the backup glasses, the regular exercise and the healthy eating. Not that there's much chance of me doing any of those, but I support the concept.

  23. What a relief that it wasn’t worse, but how horrible! I keep an old pair of glasses in the glove compartment. I like your new glasses. I can’t imagine dealing with all this along with your book release and MS edits. I do hope things settle down for you soon.

  24. Thanks for visiting my blog Barrie! I decided to come over and decided to be your newest follower. I hope you'll keep up with me as well.

    Thank God you weren't seriously hurt in the accident. Your sales guy looks thrilled to sell a vehicle!

    Oh, and about the glasses, I would be in TROUBLE! I need to get me a back up pair!!!

    Take care!

  25. I am glad to hear that you were not seriously hurt!

  26. Just catching up. Wow, I'm sorry to hear about your accident! Glad to know that you're ok!

  27. So glad you are ok! Nice car too!

  28. So glad you are all right and I apologize for just seeing your post now.

    And thank you for the kind words on "Miles to Go."

  29. Oh no oh no!

    So glad all of you are OK. Were the kids in the car with you? We've managed to total 4 cars in the last 10 years (how is that possible?!) but only one accident was our fault (icy bridge) and thankfully the children were never in the car at the time.

    If you're as attached to your Odyssey as we are to ours (it was an emergency replacement for a GMC Jimmy totaled immediately before a road trip) then parting with it must have been difficult.

  30. I'm very, very sorry to hear about your accident. I'm glad that you are okay enough to be forming life/health improvement plans!

    I had a chuckle when you described the pile of debris that your glasses ended up in. Every time I get a new car I swear that I will maintain its pristine condition, but that never happens. Eating and drinking in the car is the American Way!

  31. What an awful experience! I am glad you are doing well! I was in a car accident a few years back and it was bad. I have more screws in my hips than Home Depot!

    BTW, the glasses are super cute!

  32. OMG i hope your okay, so sorry to hear about that it must have been very traumatic and i agree we take things way to granted for, im just glad your safe, be careful okay?


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