Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Great Library Visit and Chameleon News

The event at the Rancho Santa Fe library on Monday was FANTASTIC! Librarians Debbie and Sylvia really did a GREAT job getting it organized and advertised. And what a brilliant idea to bring in a makeup artist! Muchos thank-yous!

The library is kind of tough to find because there are several lookalike buildings in the same parking lot. Luckily, Child #4 spotted these girls as they exited their vehicle. One was clutching a copy of I SO DON'T DO MAKEUP. We followed them in. Thank you girls, I might still be wandering around that crazy parking lot if it weren't for you!

Look at this BEAUTIFUL artwork based on I SO DON'T DO MAKEUP!

Here's Meilani , makeup artist extraordinaire, helping girls get dolled up. Child #4 may have used up most of Meilani's sky-blue eye shadow!

A special hello to Rachel from Rancho Cucamonga. :)

The Rancho Santa Fe Public Library rocks!

And...And...And....our little mama veiled chameleon is tunnelling in the five-gallon Home Depot flower pot on the floor of her cage. Yup! She's digging a hole to lay another clutch of eggs! Just to bring you up to date: we currently have 83 eggs in incubators. The first 50 should hatch in the fall.

I took this photo a while ago. I didn't dare snap a shot of her today because I don't want to interrupt her whole birthing process. If she doesn't lay her eggs, she dies.

Will keep you updated!


  1. Sounds like fun!! I wish I had been able to go. Boo parental units who work and aren't available for transportation.

    Anyway, I hope all the birthing with the chameleon goes well.

    Ta ta!

  2. Here's hoping that the Summy's have a gaggle of baby chameleons running around.

  3. Congratulations on yet more chameleon eggs to add to your growing collection!

    Your library event looks like it was a lot of fun.

  4. Glad your library visit went well! Imagine how busy that chameleon mama will be come fall!

  5. Wow, your house will be like Hotel for Dogs, but with veiled chameleons! You better get your kids to work!

  6. Barrie, waiting to hear the next bit of news on your chameleons. You ought to put them in one of your books.

  7. Aww man where are the contest winners?? Its July 6th!


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