Thursday, October 18, 2007

The perfect doctor!

HB found the perfect hernia repair doctor!!

Dr D. dislikes insurance companies! He accepts, AS FULL PAYMENT, whatever the insurance company pays him! He doesn't go after his patients for even one additional red cent! I think I'm falling a little bit in love.

Then again. Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I wonder if there's more to Dr. D. than meets the scalpel. For example, does he read blogs? Is he worried about a little healthy competition in the operating room? From a middle-grade mystery writer who does a mean Internet search, has superior fne motor skills and is free mornings?


  1. For sure Barrie, I think Dr. D. is trying to oust the competition!!! LOL!!! I still think you could handle this...I used to watch TLC on how various surgeries were done and I'd say to my family, "hey, I could do that"...they'd just roll their eyes...and hope I wasn't serious!!

    Glad HB is going to get this taken care of!!

  2. Hooray for Dr D! It just goes to show some people have a heart and are not money grabbers. Yay!

  3. You could take him. Dr. D. better watch his back.

  4. Wow--pretty impressive. Hold onto him! And good luck to your husband.

  5. Hi Sherry! TLC? I'm on it!!

  6. Hi Alli! It is kind of amazing. Does Australia have nationalized health care?

  7. Maureen--"Dr. D. better watch his back." Was that a pun? Ha! Happy Grand Canyoning to you!

  8. Hi Sara! He's certainly taken a load off my mind!

  9. Hi Alyssa! Your comment made me think--I should ask Dr. D. if he knows like-minded doctors in other fields.


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