Monday, November 19, 2007

Hernia Boy

Hernia Boy is hernialess. Yes, he underwent a left lingual hernia repair.

Do you see how I bandy about such medical terms as "left lingual hernia repair"? Just a little perquisite due to my wannabe-physician status. Along with too much time spent surfing the Net.

At the crack of dawn on Friday, I delivered HB to the outpatient clinic, got him settled with his clipboard and forms, then raced off to take kids to school. Dr. D. did not await my return and, as a result, I have a couple of questions for the dear doctor. They'll have to wait until the post-op appointment later this week. Unless he reads this blog (doubtful) and responds here (more doubtful). Just in in case, though, I was wondering:

1. Did you have to GLUE HB closed? I'm from the era of small stitches and a big cover-all bandage--much less of a visual shock to the nursing spouse.

2. Could you please phone/email/fax the pain prescription to the pharmacy instead of leaving a paper copy?

All that said, it looks to me as though the surgery was a roaring success. HB has been an excellent patient--diligent about his ice pack, stoic between pain meds times and uncomplaining about what food I prepared.


  1. The life of the post-op nurse!! Take care of the hernialess one...but I'm really curious...the doctor seriously "glued" him together?!? Like we're talking "crazy glue"??? I knew staples were innovative years ago but glue?!?! Whoo!!

  2. Oh, poor HB!
    I'm well aware of the surgical glue, having small, accident-prone children. When one of them takes a tumble and needs stitches, we drive to the emergency room desperately hoping they can use the glue.
    Hope he's feeling better.

  3. They glued me too. Its weird, isn't it? Like surely it won't work/stick/last, as if they threw some ELmers on and called it good. :)
    And I'm with you on calling the prescription in! Because it's not like you have anything else to do, right?

  4. Glad that all went well...

    So how does the glue come off? Like tape? ouch.

  5. Hey, I read the story of your book deal. Congratulations!!! Isn't it a trip?

  6. The glue thing is creepy isn't it? I always worry that I'm going to discover that my particular brand of soap is the one kind that dissolves the glue

  7. So glad to hear that HB is no longer HB. But you so could have done the sugery.

  8. Sherry: The glue is for real. When child #3 got glued, he even got to pick the colour (purple)!!

  9. Hi Beck! When the tips my fingers split open in the dry weather here, guess what I do? I crazy glue them!! No kidding. Works like a charm!

  10. Hi Bella! I think calling in the prescription should be a given in the 21st century!! you are a gluee! :)

  11. Trish: the glue just comes off on its own. Or you can help it along. No ouch like tape. :)

  12. Carleen: Thank you for the congrats! Yes, it's been quite a trip! I like your website BTW. Need to go back and poke around some more. :)

  13. Hi Eileen! Oh my, I'd never thought of that! I suppose I could suggest HB not wash. Oooh yuck! Better that the glue dissolve!

  14. Maureen: thank you for your vote of confidence. Perhaps I should print it out and bring it to the post-op appointment! :)

  15. Glad to hear that all is well. My mom had just asked me the other day when he was having the surgery. Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving! XO

    - YPN (Stef)

  16. Glad to hear HB is recovering nicely under your watchful eye. :-)

  17. we're all doctors now with the aid of google! we're probably all bigger hypochondriacs too!

  18. Hope HB feels better soon.
    I just read your reply on choosing a colour for the glue!!??? Brilliant!
    There's a whole new world of accessorising I'm missing out on here!



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