Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The dreaded progress meter

I couldn't figure out how to fit this extremely cute progress meter in my sidebar. So, here he is as a post. I'll update the plain Jane meter on a regular basis and post this guy every so often (weekly, every other week?)

To be honest, I'm still somewhat weirded out by the whole progress meter thing. So, we'll see...

Just so that you can all sleep soundly tonight, the parent-teacher conferences went well. I had the sense that one teacher really wasn't getting the total picture of brilliance of one of my children. No worries. I set her straight. Sort of only kidding. :)

Off to write. Because now I've got that progress meter thing hanging over my head. Not to mention Christmas cards, Christmas shopping, laundry, pool algae, dinner... Ack!


  1. I wandered over here from your comment on my blog. Wow, your book is coming out in, what, 5 days? How exciting is that? It looks great--I love a mystery with a sense of humor.

    You're braver than I for posting your progress meter for all to see. I'll check in to see how you're doing.

  2. how exciting to have a book coming out....inspirational to say the least

  3. write girl, WRITE!!!

    ya know, sometimes teachers just have to be reminded how brilliant our kids are...and it's our job, as a mom, to remind them!

  4. Hey Barrie,

    I figured out how you can add the writer meter to your sidebar.

    Take the image source code (http://meter.writertopia.com/words=9648&mood=1), paste it in a text document and change what you want to change (ie. the number of words, mood, etc). Then open your layout manager in Blogger go to Add a Page Element and add a picture.

    Copy and paste the update source code into the "From the Web" box. Make sure the "Shrink to Fit" box on the bottom is clicked. And voila! Your image should appear correctly in the sidebar.

    Only thing is, you'll have to update the code this way each time, since blogger, once it recognizes the image, makes it harder for you to just update the numbers by changing the reference code.

    Does that make sense??

    Anyways, good luck on writing!!


  5. Hi Sara! Thank you for visiting. Actually, the book doesn't come out for a year and 5 days. But I do think a little celebration is justified on the 9th anyway. :)

  6. Hi doggybloggy! Love your blog!

  7. Hi Beth! Not sure how long I'll leave the meter up. It's so....exposing!

  8. Jen--you are brilliant! Weird, but I got an error message (Please correct the errors on this form), then it worked anyway. :)

  9. I'll tell you Barrie, if I was looking at that what? potato? at a computer counting up my words, I'd be writing like a fiend...that thing would scare me into writing!!

  10. Sherry, I think I'll have nightmares about the thing tonight!

  11. OMG- Barrie you are soooo brave to put your meter up!!!!! I'll be interested to see if it works for you (I'm all about anything that works!!!)

  12. Yikes on the meter..... I'm not brave enough (in other words, I need to get my finger out and do some writing).

    Btw I've just tagged you!

  13. We're supposed to send out Christmas CARDS now? Uh oh.

  14. Beck, I know your cards will be special and beautiful. You're so creative!

  15. Really, Sara? You tagged me? I've never been tagged before. That I know of, anyway. Today's a red-letter day!

  16. Amanda--remember, what goes up on the sidebar can also come down from the sidebar. Forever. So, we'll see...

  17. Pool algae? You must live someplace warm...

    Thx for stopping by :)

  18. I predict that you will have no problem meeting your word goal for your book. Didn't you just start it? You are almost at 20% already. And with your superduper 'better planned out than your wedding' outline they'll be asking for book 3 in no time. I am just disappointed that I have to wait a whole year to get your first. Does it really take that long?

  19. I just had my very first parent teacher conference, for my 3 year old in preschool.
    Why is it so intimidating? And why must we sit in such tiny chairs?
    Keep on writing!


Comments are always welcome!