Thursday, December 20, 2007

Holiday Decorating--So Cal Style

Here in Southern California, we are so filled with the festive spirit that we even decorate our port-a-potties!

These photos are from up my street.

Seasons Greetings to all!!


  1. Deck the porta-potty with toilet wipees, fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la-laaaaah!!!

    I had something a bit more off-colored in my head, but thought it might be inappropriate to post!

    Very curious about the hot water bottle story! And upon investigation (I so don't do mysteries either, I'm thinking you found me from Eileen with Super Agent Rachel Vater as well, huh? You lucky gals!)

    Congrats on the book deals! Rock on!

  2. This was so funny - what a trip! Take care. Kellan

  3. Very funny... Even though just thinking of port-a-potties makes me want to bathe in boiling water and clorox.

    Thanks for visiting me! I hope you will again.

  4. Wow - someone had a great sense of humor. Speaking of port-o-potty humor, I came across a very funny graffiti message in one once.

    Warning - it's icky, so stop reading if you're squeamish.

    There was an arrow pointing to the toilet and above it read the words "Free Corn!"

  5. Errmmmm...that isn't your porta potty is it?

  6. Hee hee hee. That would have me giggling every time I saw it! From a sanitary distance.

  7. And people say we are redneck... I think that is the icing on the cake! That makes okies look high class! xo


  8. Manic Mom, you are quite the detective! I posted the hot water bottle story in the comments on your blog. Thanks for visiting!

  9. Kellan, that port-a-potty makes my day!

  10. Shoeaddict--Port-a-potties actually freak me out. All those germs! I will definitely visit your blog again!!

  11. Monnick--thank you for the graffiti and the warning! And, of course, thanks for visiting!

  12. Kelley--If it were my port-a-potty, it would have lights on it! And an inflatable on the roof!

  13. Alyssa--I love the "sanitary distance" idea!!

  14. Hello Psychic Niece--if this port-a-potty were in Oklahoma, it would have a rack of deer antlers nailed to the door!! ha!

  15. How very lovely. I think.
    Maybe not.
    Nothing can make a port-a-potty inviting except a desperate need to go!

  16. Years ago (I find I say that more and more-sign of old age?) I couldn't imagine snow without Christmas. The last few years, we didn't get much snow and saw lots of autumn-like scenery, except for the bare trees. No snow. If I saw those pictures before our own less-snow-than-usual season, I would have said, no snow in the pictures? Now it doesn't faze me. LOL. We do have lots of snow now.

    Sorry to hear your seven-year-old was sick. Hope she's feeling better.

    Merry Christmas.

  17. Tell me please they are having work done on that house and it's not Clark Griswold's cousin Eddie come to visit!!!!

    I thought it was weird when people put wreaths on the front grill of their cars...this tops that!!!

  18. LOL! Too funny! Can't say that I've ever seen that before. But, who knows? Santa may need to make a pit stop on Christmas night. ;-)


  19. This is too funny! And thanks so much for stopping by my blog. And congrats on your upcoming publication - how exciting! And I love the book title.

  20. That is very funny. Love the pictures!

  21. Before you know it they'll be selling decorative port a potties at walmart so we can all have one


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