Monday, December 31, 2007

Saying goodbye to 2007

It seems like an appropriate day to clean up a few 2007 odds and ends. Much the same way as I just cleaned out the fridge. Who wants to start a new year with last's year's mystery containers and mold?

So, in no particular order...

We have decided to do allergy shots for with child #3. The shots will desensitize him to stings from honey bees +white-faced hornets + yellow jackets. (A little weird as he has no allergy to yellow jackets, but it's an all-in-one shot.) Some ridiculously high percentage of people (like 98%) lose their venom allergies following a regimen of shots. So, wish us luck as we embark on the 3-5 YEAR endeavor! Which starts with 2 visits a week for 6 months!!

By accident, I splashed bleach on the black, sequined dress. Goodbye to that chapter in my life!

I never did get around to blogging about the controversial Christmas gift. I'm really happy with them, but apparently not everyone shares the love. Here's the link.

I take New Year's resolutions really, really seriously. I'm still tweaking mine. So, those I'll post tomorrow or the next day.

For now, I'm headed off on a secret mission with Child #3. A New Year's Eve mission. Our last secret mission of the year. And, yes, there will be photos!


  1. We're JUST finishing (fingers crossed) the allergy shots regimen for my son, in the next couple of months. Nothing as bad as bee stings, just lots of oak tree and pine tree and grass stuff (we live up in the mountains), and some cat.

    Just to let you know, it took a while, but they seem to have worked. My allergies are horrible this year, and his are so much less. We all just got hit by colds, and he seems to have kicked it before either me or my husband--my husband's trying to fight off the sinus infection as we speak.

    Good luck. It's not fun, but I'm finally thinking it was all worth it.

  2. Enjoy your secret mission...can't wait to see the photos!!!

    Barrie, it's been a joy getting to know you this year. Wishing you and your family a happy new year filled with love, laughter and an abundance of blessings!!

  3. Allergy shots - good luck. My five year old has been twice, and doesn't have allergies. But that's not a good thing, because it just means he has tics. Then again... it could be worse. He's healthy and a pain in the ass and overall so friggin' sweet, so I'll keep him - eye rolls and all.

    Are you a Deb? If so, I'll check you out. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then you're not, but I'm so excited to read your blog and hear about the upcoming book! Very cool.

    Thanks for stopping by. Come again anytime! And good luck on the allergies.

  4. Have fun on your secret mission and I hope you and your family have a wonderful New Year. I hope to see you often in 2008. Kellan

  5. My thoughts are with you on the allergy shots. Been there myself, but not with my kids.

    Dryer balls, eh?

    Can't wait to hear about the secret mission. I'm hoping my man will get home before the stroke of midnight. Been on the road for 5 days:(

  6. Happy New Year's Eve! Secret Mission? I'm already intrigued.

  7. Happy New Year, Barrie! I wish you lots of health and success. :-)

    Writing the Cyber Highway

  8. Happy New Year.
    And I happen to love my dryer balls. :) I asked for them for my birthday. Nerdy and embarrassingly domestic, I know.

  9. Your secret mission sounds exciting. I love a fun adventure, the pictures will be fun to see. What a nice way to begin 2008!

    Have a very Happy New Year!

  10. Wow, love your blog. Just read all your current postings. Congrats on getting published! You're the only other person I know who loves fonts. And I hope you got a short-handled wooden spoon for Christmas.

    Happy New Year!

  11. Have a great New Years. Hope the galley reading is going well.

  12. Oh, no! You had unlucky dress incident too! 2007 must've been the Year of the Dress Disaster.

    Happy 2008, Barrie.

    :) Vanessa

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