Friday, May 9, 2008

Photos and Finances

As promised, here are a few photos from April's high school talk.

Here's a staged photo of me showing the Random House Fall Catalogue to a couple of male freshmen. Who were probably wishing I'd included several cute and adoring high school girls in the photo!

Chatting about Sherry in said catalogue

These were a very popular item: Hershey Crunch bars with an extraordinarily beautiful sleeve. The front is the cover of I So Don't Do Mysteries; the back is info like the pub date (Dec. 9, 2008) and the blog's url. Thank you LP for supplying the most beautifully decorated chocolate bars in the whole world!

Way in the background are delightful Class of 2k8 bookmarks. I gave them all away.

In financial news, I spent $55 last night on the way home from a local swim meet. On gas and milk.

That's it. Gas and a jug of milk. Granted, the gas needle was on empty and the light flashed on. And I did buy an entire gallon of milk. But, still, $55 seems somewhat excessive.

I may have to turn to tequila. For my van, that is. Here's an article on a home ethanol refinery that, for roughly $10K, will produce 35 gallons of gasoline a week.

Oh, by the way, congratulations to Child #2 for getting a personal best in the 200 yard free!


  1. Love the marketing activities and goodies.

    It is amazing the cost of gas and milk...put them together in one shopping trip and you may need to taek out a second mortgage!!!!

    Have a great weekend.

  2. I'm glad it went well, Barrie. The chocolate sleeves were gorgeous!

    And yes, I need to sell more books, not to pay for my children's college education, but to finance our grocery shopping trips. Wow!

  3. That article is fascinating! I can't believe you'll be able to create fuel in your own backyard, but WOW what a concept.

    Love the pictures!! And those candy bars are sweet!

  4. What fun! and I am loving the chocolate!!!!!!!

    Gas...Milk...grumble, grumble, grumble!

  5. I LOVE the covers of the chocolate bars. How cool is that?

    And yea. I got gas in my van. It was on empty. Cost me $63 at Wal Mart to fill it up.

  6. Where did you get those chocolates??? VERY cool!

    Oy, please let's not talk about finances.

  7. love those chocolate bar covers! have a great weekend!

  8. Wow, that chocolate bar thingie is a great idea. I wish I'd thought of that. I suck at promoting.

  9. Gee... so much going on in this post, I don't know where to start.

    How about from the bottom up.

    Congrats to child #2. (I'm guessing this numbering thing is the order they were born, not who you love the most.)

    Gas here is $3.75, milk about $3.99 a gallon. I second tequila.

    I LOVE those chocolate bars. What a great idea. That is so cool. Boy... what I wouldn't give to have one of my own. Gee, willickers, gippy. I'd sure love one.

    All in all, looks like it went swimmingly. How fun!

  10. Congratulations to child #2! I echo the comments on the chocolate bars -- that's got to be one of the coolest promotional things I've seen -- and yummy too!

  11. Great pictures, wonderful PR with the chocolate bars and such a horrendous price for gas and milk!

  12. Those Hershey bars are BRILLIANT!

  13. My gas tank is so close to empty, but I keep hoping the gas prices will go down...

    I discovered this site to find the cheapest gas in my area. Hope it helps.

    And beautiful chocolate bar covers!!!

  14. Thanks for the pictures! I sympathize with you on the finances. We are feeling it too.

  15. Pretty chocolate how lovely

    I have been wishing lately that my husband could just use his gas to fuel the car


  16. Loved this snippet of your day! My gosh, gas sure has gone up in the US...

  17. MMMMMM chocolate! What a great idea!
    I love your T-shirt BTW!

    I'm conflicted about the gas prices thing because I'm all for saving the planet but the last time I filled up my car it cost over £53 (that's English Pounds STERLING) I drive a Mitzubishi Space Wagon - it's only got a 50L tank. I just checked that $97 ish.

    Maybe we should just drink the tequila and not go anywhere. Marguerita anyone?

    Well done Child #2!

  18. Ditto on what everyone has said about the chocolate. How did you pull that off?

  19. My husband's convinced that all we need to do is start our own home ethanol plant and then we'll be JUST FINE.
    Those are GREAT looking chocolate bars!

  20. Barrie, you're a marketing maven! Sounds like a fun outing, but then again sounds like you manage to have fun whatever you're doing. Thanks for stopping by the blog...I'm looking forward to your pub date!! Karen in Denver

  21. Loving the look of those chocolate bars :)

    Oil prices are hitting new records on a daily basis. It is frightening to think where this could all lead...


  22. Wow, the chocolate sleeves are so cool! We're having the same price increases with petrol. It's crazy.

  23. 55 seems okay to me...
    but, then again...I have a 2 year old, who goes through milk like crazy...and it has to be the soy kind, so that's even more expensive. then there's me, who can't gag that, when I go grocery shopping, here's all the milk I get:
    vanilla soy (at least 2 1/2 gallons)
    chocolate soy (one 1/2 gallon)
    whole milk for hubby
    skim milk for me.

    And gas: I spent 41.00 this evening, and only got 3/4 of a tank....

  24. Oh wow I LOVE those chocolate wrappers! Too cool!!

  25. Those chocolate sleeves looks so cool!! I am so anxious to read your book.

    An Abundance of Katherines is a great read. I highly recommend it.

  26. Those candy bars are sooo cool - congrats!

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